Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gail The House Cleaner

Just got off the phone with Gail Gottfredson who cleans Harold's house every other week. She said they were talking about some LDS fiction books that he had heard of so she asked if he had a library card because they are available at the Farmington Library. He said no, so she took him to get a library card! She also is going to pick up the book today that he wants and take it to his home. Very nice lady. Harold also like her. She also is concerned that he is not using his cane. I told her we all suggest he use it but he thinks it makes him look older and gets in the way of other people! Maybe she will have more success convincing him than we have.


  1. He's 84! Of course he is going to look old. He is old!

  2. Maybe Gail can convince him to eat better and take medical advice!
