Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dad, Todd, Sheryl, Dennis and myself all met today at 11:30 am at the Olympus Ranch, an Assisted Living facility in Murray (5600 South 900 East) that we thought Dad would love. Which, thank goodness, he did! He was pretty excited and he picked out the floor plan that he wants. He will be in apartment number 204. He was fine with the price and thoroughly thrilled about the accommodations, the food, (they fed us all lunch) the library, movie room, game room, exercise room, barber shop, the fact that they were playing John Denver music over the speakers and that church is only an hour and a half. He wants to move in ASAP, so we convinced him to wait until after Thanksgiving. The official move date will be Monday, November 30th! (Anybody that can help, would be greatly appreciated!) Den and I will call the movers and get going on replacing the carpet in his Condo so we can put it up for sale. Dennis found out today, Sat, Nov. 21, that there is only one other Condo for sale in his complex and it is already under contract. His new place is just a one bedroom, one bathroom small living room and kitchenette. He will be served three meals a day and snacks in between if he chooses. They offer a variety of daily activities, weekly outings to the grocery store, doctors apts., field trips etc. Time will tell if he is interested in any of those things. Everyone seemed very friendly, which was good for Dad.

1 comment:

  1. WOO HOO!!!!!! That sounds awesome for everyone!!! Hopefully he will transition well and really enjoy it! A great sign that he wants to move in ASAP. Way to go guys!!!! XOXOXOXO
