Friday, September 18, 2009

Results of Blood Tests

Dr. Lym called us this morning to give us the results of Harold's blood tests last week. The only concern was that he has a mild case of anemia - about three points low. Dr. Lym suggested a couple of possible reasons; 1. A small bleeding ulcer in his stomach or 2. colon cancer. There are other possible reasons he said but these are the most likely. Kathryn will talk to Harold and set up appointments for an EGD (stomach scope) and a colonoscopy. Does anyone know if he has had a colonoscopy in the last five years? Hopefully he will remember if he has.

1 comment:

  1. All the medical papers I found when I cleaned out his desk files are together in the bottom right hand desk drawer (EOB's, statements, etc). There might be something there that could help.
