Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I called Dad Friday afternoon and asked if would be alright if I didn't get there until 10 am Saturday morning, then I would bring him some breakfast in lieu of McDonalds. He was just fine with that option. I made him some homemade Sausage McMuffins and fresh orange juice and wheat bread (to help with his digestive issues a little). He was very pleasant when I arrived. We watched the morning session of Conference together which was amazing, by the way! We sang together and discussed the talks. A few weeks ago, I had found a stack of papers in the closet in his office. It was a journal Mom had kept of the first 18 months of their married life. She often spoke of her sweety Harold. I returned that to dad today and told him to read it. Hopefully, he can focus on that for a while. It was all positive and tender. He told me the cutest story. He said he and mom use to always talk about what they would do when they passed on to next life. Dad said he wants to lead a choir in heaven, and mom wants to do the Can Can dance! OK!
As I was leaving, he did start to rant a little about wanting all his books back that Dennis gave to DI. He asked, "Why would he do that?" I said, "Why else? You told him to." I don't think he believed me. I told him to tell us the books he wants to read, and we will get them for him.
Also, LuAnn came over last night and took Dad to dinner. I thought that was very sweet!

Business items: Sheryl, I put the bills on Dad's desk that Den paid by billpay. Dad gave me the copy title of the car.( without me asking) We have not heard yet if it was sold at the auction.


  1. That breakfast sounds yummy.

    I hope the car sells soon.

  2. I'm glad you got to watch conference with your dad. It sounds like a fun time. I hope he liked all the food.

  3. Thanks Kathy,

    FYI. I picked up Dad at 4:40 P.M. and took him to the Priesthood session at our Stake Center in Rose Park. We both enjoyed that session. Dad has forgotten how to whisper in a chapel once a meeting has started. (He just talks with a normal voice). He wasn't too pleased with me when I whispered to him that he consider whispering--especially when people are looking at him for talking in a normal voice while the session was live. Oh well.
