Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

Todd & I visited Harold tonight. Took him to dinner (McDonald's at WalMart). He needed a few items (Milk of Magnesia, etc). I wrote out checks for his outstanding utilities and Amex bill and updated the checkbook. I have the car insurance policy statement. Do we need to contact the agent and cancel the policy? Harold said he didn't have any prescriptions to fill (see Dennis' post from yesterday) and that he didn't need cash. I put the items from the dish drain in the dishwasher and started it for him.

Todd asked if anyone was visiting him. He said "no" but then remembered Dennis took him to the doctor yesterday. He's upset Dennis is "pushing him" about everything. When Todd asked for specifics he couldn't come up with anything but the Senior Center activities.

Todd & I have talked about looking into Meals on Wheels or something similiar. We worry about his eating habits. Maybe they could bring in a late lunch/early dinner on some days. This could add some varity to his McDonald's favorites and help with getting some more nuturious meals.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sheryl, that really helps!! I will talk to him about the Meals on Wheels
