Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 15, 2009

I made a tomato based hamburger/vegetable soup for dinner. Harold had 1 1\2 big bowls of it. We left what was left - he should be able to get 1 to 2 more meals out of it. I also brought him a small loaf of zucchini bread. I brought one last Monday that he seemed to enjoy.

Todd ran to Dick's Market and got 2 half gallons of milk. All his milk was old - he did have one dated 9/13/09 which he drank with dinner. I went through the fridge and threw out a few things that were growing mold.

Harold seemed to be in good spirits last night. Todd told his dad he needed to start considering the fact that he might one day need to go into a nursing home. This did NOT go over well. Todd stressed that this wasn't go to happen soon, but it might become a reality in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprized that he didn't like that much. We should keep discussing it with him so he get's more comfortable with the idea.
